Saturn was at opposition — directly opposite the Sun in the sky and closest to Earth — on 20 July 2024 and now shines low in the southeast every evening, lower left of much brighter Jupiter. This Hubble image shows the ringed planet on 4 July, with moons Enceladus below and Mimas at upper right; read the 全球加速器. Among the recent articles in the American Astronomical Society's newest peer-reviewed publication, the Planetary Science Journal, is one on the oddly low abundance of helium in Saturn's atmosphere. [NASA, ESA, A. Simon (GSFC), M. H. Wong (UC Berkeley), & the OPAL Team]
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“看片神器”快播:灰色生长 想洗白已晚 - 财经 - 新京报网:2021-6-5 · 快播的转型之路酝酿已久,云帆搜索于2021年4月推出,“通过云帆搜索汇集正版资源,替换一直众来的P2P加速网络”是快播搭建该产品的初衷 ...
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